

Call for Papers for an Edited Volume

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! By Dr.Syed Ali Mujtaba,  Edited By Adam

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Cry over Othering of religious minorities across seas.

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! Copy Edited By Samreen Tak, Edited By

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After ‘The Kerala Story,’ it is “Farhana” that’s an anti-Muslim movie

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! By Syed Ali Mujtaba, Edited By Adam

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To Avoid Leadership Issue, Opposition Could Aim To “Contain” BJP

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! EDITORIAL: By Saeed Naqvi, Edited By Adam

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At Congressional Briefing on Gujarat Pogrom, USCIRF Commissioner Steve Schneck says US must condemn Modi’s anti-minority policies.  

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! By Shafaat Khan, Edited By Adam Rizvi,

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Did Failure Of Agra Summit Set The Scene For Modi’s Rise?

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! EDITORIAL: By Saeed Naqvi, Edited By Adam

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“Manusmriti” :Hindutva’s religious text to be released in Telugu in Hyderabad

You are Here: Tweet, Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe…be the Voice of Free Press! By Syed Ali Mujtaba, Edited By Adam

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